5 Tips Every Snapchat User Should Know
5 tips every Snapchat user should know
If you're new to Snapchat, you've got a lot to learn. The app does little in the way to help new users navigate the platform, leaving you clueless about tools and features seasoned snappers use daily.
Here are five features and tips every new Snapchat user should know.
1. Those chat emojis have hidden meanings
You'll notice emojis appear next to your friends' names in the chat window. They seemingly show up and change at random, but there are hidden meanings behind them.
You can check out what each friend emoji means by going to Settings > Additional Services > Manage > Friend Emojis. Or, you can view the complete list right here.
If you click on the default emoji in this list, a menu will appear where you can change the emoji associated with each meaning.
2. Get more out of the color picker
If you look at color picker for the pencil tool, you'll see there are no black and white options. They exist -- they're just hidden.
To grab the black pencil tool, hold down on the rainbow tool (color picker) and drag your finger to the left side and bottom of your phone screen. Hold down on the rainbow tool and drag you finger to the top-left of the screen for the white pencil.
3. Create a blank canvas
Sometimes you just want to share cute drawings or text. For that, you'll need a blank canvas. Use your finger to cover your camera lens and take a picture. The snap will be a red, blank canvas to draw on with the pencil tool. For a black canvas, lay your phone on a dark surface and capture a snap.
4. Flip the camera midsnap
While taking a video, tap on the camera button to switch from your front-facing camera to get some face time in your snap.
5. Get unlimited text
Work around Snapchat's text limit by going to your phone's notes app and creating a blank note. In the note, press the return button several times to create blank lines. Hold your finger on the screen and choose "Select All" and "Copy."
Back in Snapchat, press and hold in the text box on your snap and select "Paste". You just pasted a larger text box into your snap that you can fill with a bunch of text. To use it, tap on each blank line and type away.